Ssh – Equivalent of scp -l bandwidth_cap for .ssh/config


Short form:

You can limit the bandwidth the scp uses with the -l switch, you pass a number that's in kbits/sec.

I'd rather set this in my .ssh/config file for certain names machines.

What's the equivalent named setting for -l? I haven't been able to find it.

Followup question:

Generally, not sure how to map back and forth between ssh command line options and config names, short of doing Google searches or manually comparing man pages on a case by case basis. Is there a table that directly equates the two?

Longer form of first question, with context:

I've started using ssh config quite a bit, especially now that I need to go through a proxy and do lots of port mappings. I even define the same machine more than once depending on what type of tunneling I need.

However, when uploading a large file, it's difficult to do anything else on my machine. Even though I have more download bandwidth than up, I think that scp saturates the link so even my small requests can't reach the Internet.

There's a fix for this, using the -l bandwidth command line switch for scp.

scp -l 1000 titan:

I'd like to use this in my config instead, so I'd create an additional named entry called "titan-upload" and I'd use that as the target whenever I upload.

So instead of:

scp titan:

I'd say:

scp titan-upload:

Or even set different caps depending on where I am:

scp titan-upload-from-work:
scp titan-upload-from-home:

I'm generally on Mac and Linux.

Best Answer

Alas, as was mentioned, there doesn't see to be a config option to limit bandwidth. (I checked source code!)

Some possible solutions are to use an alias for scp, or perhaps a function. Bash is typically the default shell on both mac & linux, so this could work:

alias scp='scp -l 1000 '
alias scp-throttle='scp -l 1000 '

(note trailing space inside quotes!1) This would cause EVERY scp command you use to throttle bandwidth. Considering your situation, perhaps the best solution overall.

The second might be a good choice, since you could use scp for 'normal' transfers, and scp-throttle for slower transfers.

Or a function, with a bit more brains:

function scp { if [ "$*" =~ "-upload" ]; then command scp -l 1000 "$@"; else command scp  "$@"; fi; }

Basically, if we find '-upload' anywhere in the arguments, we perform the transfer with the bw limit, otherwise, a normal transfer occurs.

This would allow you to continue using your multiple names/aliases to denote actions.

  • scp aaa titan: - would upload normally
  • scp aaa titan-upload: - would throttle
  • scp titan:aaa . - normal
  • scp titan-upload-from-home:aaa . - throttled
  • scp a-file-to-upload titan: - oops, throttled, not intentional!


1 - The trailing space INSIDE the alias allows further alias expansion after the aliased command. VERY helpful/useful. Bash Man Page, __ALIASES__ section

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