Ssh – Do not halt the boot if an fstab mounting fails


I have this line in my fstab:

sshfs#ecarroll@o99:/opt/dealermade/ftp/inc /opt/dealermade/ftp/inc fuse defaults,idmap=user,users 0 0

For whatever reason it didn't work — that's fine. How do I make it not stop the boot sequence. It prompted me to to hit S to skip or M to manually repair. If it isn't the boot volume, I just want my volumes to fail mounting with nothing more than an entry in logs.

Best Answer

I'm not familiar with sshfs, but I know the nobootwait option works for local disk partitions. Maybe try:

sshfs#ecarroll@o99:/opt/dealermade/ftp/inc /opt/dealermade/ftp/inc fuse defaults,idmap=user,users,nobootwait 0 0

(A quick google search also shows archlinux uses nofail as per this thread. A little more googling shows that nobootwait might be a non-standard Ubuntu feature... curious to see if it resolves your issue. )

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