Ssh – Disable colours on terminal and SSH


My local Linux machine has coloured terminal output like this;

enter image description here

When I SSH to a pfSense/BSD box it changes the colours like this;

enter image description here

Even when I SSH from to a machine that doesn't have a coloured local terminal output, and SSH from there to this pfSense/FreeBSD box it enables coloured output, and starts producing unwanted coloured output/

Is there something I can change locally so that when I SSH to the pfSense box from either my local machine or via an intermediary machine, my client will ignore the remote colour settings. Ideally I want to stay in black and white, two tone standard background and text colour only?

Best Answer

Colours in your terminal appear because the tty sends ANSI-encoded control sequences to tell your terminal to change colours. Some, if not most terminal application can be configured to ignore this and just display all text in one colour.

In xterm, you can use the -cm option. For Konsole, one can change the mapping of all colours to the same. Your XFCE terminal application may have similar options.