Ssh – daemonize rtorrent


Just read the man page, but found no option for this. Maybe I missed it, maybe it doesn't exist.
I have a server at home I'm SSHing to for rtorrent, but the torrent stops downloading and won't restart on rtorrent restart, so is there a way I can daemonize so I don't have to sit there and watch it?
(if this is relevant, rtorrent is running on a fresh FreeBSD 9.1 install)

Best Answer

rtorrent does not have the ability to daemonise itself. But you can use an additional tool for that. For example dtach, screen or tmux. Here is an example of how to create an rtorrent session in tmux.

tmux new-session -s rtorrent -d rtorrent

This creates a session named “rtorrent”, starts the torrent client and detaches. You can now log out and rtorrent keeps running. Next time you log in, you can reattach to the session and bring rtorrent to the foreground using

tmux attach-session -t rtorrent
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