Ssh – Ctrl-S doesn’t work in rtorrent when accessed via screen. Can’t start torrents


I run rtorrent remotely on a seedbox. When I log in with a web interface I'm able to start torrents, and when torrent files get dropped into my watched folder that works too. However, when I try to start them by SSHing in to my seedbox and -r resuming the screen session that contains my instance of rtorrent, I can't seem to use the Ctrl+S keyboard shortcut to start torrents. I can stop and delete them with the Ctrl+D shortcut, and as far as I can tell all the other keyboard shortcuts work.

I've tried this from the Terminal app in OSX and from Cygwin on Windows.

Thanks for your insight!

Best Answer

I eventually found the answer for myself on this page.

The machine I was running rtorrent on had Ctrl+S and Ctrl+Q mapped to stop and start screen output. Unmapping these got things working again.

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