SSH – Handling Ctrl-C in SSH Sessions


When I start an SSH session that executes a long-running command, what happens with Ctrl+C (SIGINT) handling?

I can see that the SSH session is closed, but I am not sure who gets the SIGINT first: is it…

  1. the remote long-running command? that is, (a) the signal handler in the remote command is called and stops the remote command, (b) the shell that spawned it detects that the command stopped, and stops as well (c) the remote sshd detects the shell stopped, so it closes the connection


  2. the local ssh receives the signal, and closes the connection.

I think that (1) is happening, but want to make sure.

I am also uncertain about what happens with shell handling of SIGINTs in this case. For example, if I …

ssh remote 'while true ; do sleep 1 ; date ; done'

and Ctrl+C, then the remote connection is dropped. Is there a way to run the remote command under a shell that will stay alive after Ctrl+C? That is, in this case, stop the loop and allow me to keep working on the remote shell?

Best Answer

ssh can be invoked in a few different ways, each resulting slightly different treatment of terminal-initiated signals like Ctrl-C.

  • ssh remotehost will run an interactive session on remotehost. On the client side, ssh will try to set the tty used by stdin to "raw" mode, and sshd on the remote host will allocate a pseudo-tty and run your shell as a login shell (e.g. -bash).

    Setting raw mode means that characters that would normally send signals (such as Ctrl-C and Ctrl-\) are instead just inserted into the input stream. ssh will send such characters as-is to the remote host, where they will likely send SIGINT or SIGQUIT and, typically, kill any command and return you to a shell on the remote host. The ssh connection will stay alive, as long as the remote shell is alive.

  • ssh -t remotehost command args ... will run an interactive session on remotehost, just like the above, except on the remote side, your_shell -c "command args ..." will be run. As above, if you type Ctrl-C, it will be sent to the remote host, where the command will likely receive SIGINT and immediately exit, and then the remote shell will exit. The remote sshd then closes the connection, and ssh reports Connection to remotehost closed.

  • ssh remotehost command args ... will run a non-interactive session on remotehost. On the client side, ssh will not set the tty to raw mode (well, except to read in a password or passphrase). If you type Ctrl-C, ssh will get sent SIGINT and will immediately be terminated, without even issuing a Connection to remotehost closed message.

    The your_shell -c "command args ..." processes will likely remain running on the remote host. Either they will exit on their own, or one process will try to write data to the now-closed ssh socket, which will cause a (typically) fatal SIGPIPE signal to be sent to it.

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