Ssh – Copy/paste into SSH’d VIM from local (Windows) clipboard


I would like to copy from a local machine and paste into vim on a remote box which I am SSH'd into.

That's it.

I have tried "+p and "*p, mouse middle-clicking, and a couple other things to no avail šŸ™

Also acceptable (though less convenient) is to just skip vim and pipe clipboard into file.

My problem was that I am using PuttyTray and not Putty, when I tried to do the same thing in Putty it worked — I didn't think there would be a problem with that.

Best Answer

On my windows laptop, pasting into remote vim, this is the only thing I could get to work:

Ctrl+C was fine for copying.. but I needed Shift+Insert to Paste !

(A good reason to get a laptop where Insert can be accessed without pressing a secondary key)

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