Ssh – Copy from remote server which doesn’t have rsync


I need to recursively copy a folder from a Ubuntu remote server where I have ssh access. I don't want to follow symbolic links, nor to copy permissions/owner/group, because my client system (Ubuntu too) doesn't have the same users as the server.

This rsync solution could be the best one.
But the server does not have rsync and I can't install it there; so that command gives me error.

Is there another way to copy the remote folder?

Best Answer

If you have the permission to use FUSE on your local machine, install the sshfs package. SSHFS lets you access remote files via normal filesystem access: it mounts a directory tree accessed over SFTP. You only need to have SFTP access on the remote side (which is enabled by default with OpenSSH on Ubuntu). Once the remote directory is mounted, you can use the tools of your choice to manipulate files, without having to care whether they're local or remote.

mkdir ~/net/remote-server
sshfs remote-server:/ ~/net/remote-server
rsync -a --no-copy-links ~/net/remote-server/remote/path/ /local/path/
fusermount -u ~/net/remote-server
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