Ssh – Can’t use OpenPGP key exported from GnuPG with SSH


I generated a PGP key with GnuPG over a year ago. Since I haven't had to really touch it since, I'm extremely foggy on the ins and outs of GPG (though I understand asymmetric key encryption in principle). I had used this key to authenticate SSH logins, right up until accidentally deleted it yesterday. So, today, I set out to generate it again.

I run gpg --export-secret-key -a "Ryan Lue" > ~/.ssh/id_rsa, and it prompts me for a password. I enter the password, and out comes the id_rsa file. Now, when I try to SSH into my servers, it throws the following warning:

Permissions 0644 for 'id_rsa' are too open.
It is required that your private key files are NOT accessible by others.
This private key will be ignored.

So, I obediently chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa. Then, I try again, and it prompts for a password (actually, since I'm on a Mac, Keychain prompts me for a password). I enter the same password I used to export it, and each time, it fails, spitting out the following error on the command line:

Saving password to keychain failed

I've also tried adding the key using ssh-agent, and that actually prompts me for the password on the command line:

Enter passphrase for /Users/rlue/.ssh/id_rsa:

Either way, it keeps rejecting the password. I'm 100% sure I'm entering the same passphrase at these prompts as I do to export it: I've successfully exported the key about a dozen times and failed to authenticate it in use about four dozen times.

What am I missing?

Best Answer

OpenPGP (as implemented by GnuPG) and SSH do not share a common key format, although they rely on the same cryptographic principles.

GnuPG implements the ssh-agent protocol, though, so you can still use your OpenPGP keys through GnuPG for SSHing into other computers.

  1. enable the ssh-agent protocol by adding enable-ssh-support to ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf
  2. export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$HOME/.gnupg/S.gpg-agent.ssh; you might want to do that in your ~/.profile
  3. kill ssh-agent if started and reload gpg-agent (gpg-connect-agent reloadagent /bye)
  4. export and add your public key to target servers (ssh-add -L should now contain the familiar SSH public key line for your OpenPGP key)
  5. ssh to the target server as with a normal SSH key

This also works great with OpenPGP smartcards or USB dongles, I'm using this to protect my SSH key with a YubiKey.

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