Ubuntu – SSH Public Key Login with Encrypted Home


I can't do ssh public key login to my server and I think this issue is related to the fact my home is encrypted. I chose the option "encrypt my home folder" under the Ubuntu install setup. The permissions on /home/MY-USER are 700.

I've tried another workstation and everything works fine. I would be glad if someone help me to get out this without removing the encryption.

Best Answer

In the ssh_config file, you can can change the location of where it looks for your private key. You could probably do something like make a new folder at /etc/ssh/keys/ and put your id_rsa private key file in there and then change the IdentityFile option in ssh_config to look in the new location. In doing so you'll want to take certain measures to secure your private key.

This is assuming you're the only user of the computer. If not, you can make folders like /etc/ssh/keys/john/ and /etc/ssh/keys/dogbert/ and then in the IdentityFile option put /etc/ssh/keys/%u/id_rsa

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