Ssh – find out which ssh key was used to access an account


Is it possible to find out which ssh key was used to access an account? I have an account on a server that I let several (trusted!) people have access to via ssh. I'd find it useful to be able to know who logged in and when. I have root access so I can look at the logs, but there doesn't seem to be anything there. Is there some configuration switch that will put some way of identifying the key in the logs?

Best Answer

If you go into the sshd config file (usually /etc/ssh/sshd_config) and change the LogLevel directive to VERBOSE:

LogLevel VERBOSE can see something like this in the logs:

Jun 24 22:43:42 localhost sshd[29779]: Found matching RSA key: d8:d5:f3:5a:7e:27:42:91:e6:a5:e6:9e:f9:fd:d3:ce
Jun 24 22:43:42 localhost sshd[29779]: Accepted publickey for caleb from port 59630 ssh2

From man sshd_config:

          Gives  the  verbosity  level that is used when logging messages from
          sshd(8).  The possible values are: QUIET, FATAL, ERROR,  INFO,  VER-
          BOSE,  DEBUG,  DEBUG1,  DEBUG2,  and  DEBUG3.   The default is INFO.
          DEBUG and DEBUG1 are equivalent.  DEBUG2  and  DEBUG3  each  specify
          higher  levels of debugging output.  Logging with a DEBUG level vio-
          lates the privacy of users and is not recommended.