SSH – ssh-agent: Don’t Forward Authentication for the Whole Keyring


I have two private ssh keys :

  • one to access my personnal machines,
  • one to access servers at my job.

I add those two keys to my ssh-agent with ssh-add.

Now, when I do ssh -A root@jobsrv I would like to forward agent authentication only for my job key (the one I'm using to connect jobsrv).

I want this because anyone having root access to jobsrv can use my agent to authenticate himself to my personnal machines.

Is there a way to achieve this isolation?

Best Answer

In order to force ssh(1) to use a particular key even if ssh-agent(1) offers multiple ones, use the IdentityFile and IdentitiesOnly directive in ~/.ssh/config, e.g.:

    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/keys/special.pem
    IdentitiesOnly yes

See ssh_config(5) for details.

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