Ssh-add is forgotten if new gnome-terminal is opened


After a:

eval `ssh-agent -s`

I can log in to a "server" via ssh without pwd.

Question: But If I open a new gnome-terminal I have to do this again, why?

Using RHEL Desktop 6.6 with GNOME.

UPDATE #1: interesting, another RHEL Desktop doesn't runs ssh-agent, it only needs an "ssh-add" per boot. But issuing an "ssh-add" on the "bad desktop" only gives an error message: "Could not open a connection to your authentication agent."

UPDATE #2: SSH_AUTH_SOCK is missing after a fresh reboot, maybe that is the problem?:

[user@notebook ~]$ env | grep SSH
[user@notebook ~]$ 

Best Answer

ssh-add and ssh refer to a couple of environment variables to find the SSH agent to talk to: SSH_AGENT_PID and SSH_AUTH_SOCK. When you run

eval `ssh-agent -s`

ssh-agent outputs the values and your shell interprets them; they are set in the shell the command is run from, and that shell only. Thus when you start a new terminal, the new shell in that terminal doesn't have those variables set appropriately and ssh can't find the agent.

If you have both terminals running, you can run

env | grep SSH

in the terminal you started the agent from, and set the values given in the new terminal. Then ssh should find the agent in the second terminal.

A better solution though is to use the SSH agent integration in GNOME, as provided by gnome-keyring. I'm not sure how things are set up in RHEL Desktop, but you can try simply running ssh-add without starting the agent beforehand...

The GNOME keyring SSH documentation may be helpful; in particular, you may want to check whether the SSH Key Agent is enabled in your startup applications (in the GNOME properties).

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