Ssh-add -D doesn’t erase stored keys from the ssh-agent


How come this happens?:

stan@tcpc:~/.ssh$ ssh-add -l
8192 e0:45:5e:cc:45:3e:17:2b:a6:54:6f:8d:53:1b:j2:e3 github (RSA)
2048 25:41:53:a6:45:5d:ac:eb:5c:45:f8:ce:42:a9:he:aa BITBUCKET (RSA)
stan@tcpc:~/.ssh$ ssh-add -D
All identities removed.
stan@tcpc:~/.ssh$ ssh-add -l
8192 e0:45:5e:cc:45:3e:17:2b:a6:54:6f:8d:53:1b:j2:e3 github (RSA)
2048 25:41:53:a6:45:5d:ac:eb:5c:45:f8:ce:42:a9:he:aa BITBUCKET (RSA)

How come keys aren't being erased?

p.s. could be this bug?
I'm on arch linux though…

Best Answer

The steps in this post worked for me; you just need to open the Startup Applications manager, uncheck the entry for "SSH Key Agent - GNOME Keyring: SSH Agent", and restart Unity. If it doesn't show up, edit /etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-keyring-ssh.desktop and change NoDisplay=true to NoDisplay=false.