Ssh – 2 Factor Authentication in SSH using public key and PAM


I'm trying to setup 2 Factor Authentication. I want the user to login successfully if:

  • The public private/public key matches (authentication method: publickey) or the password is correct
  • My pam authentication method is successful.

The second authentication method is a PAM file. So I place it into /usr/lib/pam/ and added auth required in /etc/pam.d/sshd.
So far I can either log in using the (publickey method) or (a password and whatever is required by me pam module). So I added AuthenticationMethods publickey,keyboard-interactive in /etc/sshd_config and now I'm required to have the public key, password, and "whatever is required by me pam module".

What lines do I need to change in order to achieve what I described above? I'm using Mac OS X Mavericks (10.9). If you aren't familiar with Mac, it could also help what you'd do on your Linux system.

Best Answer

It's quite easy for "publickey->password->your_module" or "password->your_module". Can't find the way to remove password from the first chain

publickey,keyboard-interactive - means that publickey auth will be used and keyboard-interactive after that (kind of logical AND), replace comma with space for logical OR, like

AuthenticationMethods publickey,keyboard-interactive:pam keyboard-interactive:pam

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