Splitting the Home dir two different partitions


I run a Ubuntu desktop environment with two harddisks.
A small SSD and a large regular disk.

Currently i run a setup where my home drive is located on /home/name, but some folders e.g. Downloads are linked to a folder on the regular harddrive.

This setup has several issues as it tends to get difficult to maintain and remember which folder belongs to where and so on.

Is there a more simple and elegant way to manage this kind of setup?

Edit: SSD is 128GB

Best Answer

I run a similar setup to the one you're suggesting. 120GB of stupid-fast PCI-E SSD, 4TB of slow, RAIDed, spinning rust. / and and /home are both on the SSD as is the bulk of my userdir.

I have just symlinked things like ~/Documents/, ~/Music/, ~/Photos/ and ~/Videos/ (that's to say, all the big stuff) over to the RAID array. It's not hard to keep track of but I'm guessing that's because 120GB is right at the sweet spot. It's plenty of space for all my installed applications and most of the silly "I won't cry if they're nuked by a SSD fault" files in ~/ aren't that big.

Steam has been the biggest recent challenger to free disk space and that has a built-in method for allowing you to specify alternative install locations. I just move low-played stuff to RAID or delete it.

If you're running 60GB or 30GB... You might want to look for something bigger. It's certainly not impossible (I used to live out of a 60GB SSD with the same RAID) but there isn't a good solution. You either manually map everything (fast performance, annoying) or you dedicate the whole SSD as a cache for the slow drive with something like bcache (slower performance, easier).

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