Splitting large directory tree into specified-size chunks


I have a directory tree that I would like to back up to optical disks. Unfortunately, it exceeds the size of any one disk (it's about 60GB). I am looking for a script that would split this tree into appropriately sized chunks with hard links or whatnot (leaving the original untouched). I could then feed these bite-size trees into the backup process (add PAR2 redundancy, etc.).

It's not a fancy script, but it seems like it might have already been done. Suggestions?

(Spanning and writing in one step is a no-go because I want to do more stuff before the files get burned.)

Best Answer

There exists an application designed for this: dirsplit

It usually lives in cdrkit or dirsplit packages.

It can create ready-to-use folders with links to easily create DVDs with K3b or other GUI software