Sort part of the name


I have multiple names that have the same prefix but the prefix is unknown.

I want to sort only by the digits in the name.



so bbcd_w_006-112 should be the first


Best Answer

With zsh, you could define a glob sorting function like:

digitsOnly() REPLY=${REPLY//[^0-9]} # removes all non-digits

and then use it as:

print -rC1 -- *(no+digitsOnly)

There, the n glob qualifier turns the numericglobsort option for that one glob extension, and o+function sorts based on the output (via $REPLY) of the function.

print -rC1 prints its arguments raw on 1 column.

Remember that if you use ls, ls does sort the list of files before printing (alphabetically by default). With the GNU implementation of ls, that sorting can be avoided with the -U option:

ls -ldU -- *(no+digitsOnly)

You can do something similar with perl with:

perl -le 'sub digitsOnly {$_=shift; s/\D//gr};
          print for sort {digitsOnly($a) <=> digitsOnly($b)} <*>'

Or to run a command on that list of files:

perl -l0e 'sub digitsOnly {$_=shift; s/\D//gr};
           print for sort {digitsOnly($a) <=> digitsOnly($b)} <*>' |
   xargs -r0 ls -ldU --
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