Text Processing – Sort but Keep Header Line at the Top

sorttabletext processing

I am getting output from a program that first produces one line that is a bunch of column headers, and then a bunch of lines of data. I want to cut various columns of this output and view it sorted according to various columns. Without the headers, the cutting and sorting is easily accomplished via the -k option to sort along with cut or awk to view a subset of the columns. However, this method of sorting mixes the column headers in with the rest of the lines of output. Is there an easy way to keep the headers at the top?

Best Answer

Stealing Andy's idea and making it a function so it's easier to use:

# print the header (the first line of input)
# and then run the specified command on the body (the rest of the input)
# use it in a pipeline, e.g. ps | body grep somepattern
body() {
    IFS= read -r header
    printf '%s\n' "$header"

Now I can do:

$ ps -o pid,comm | body sort -k2
24759 bash
31276 bash
31032 less
31177 less
31020 man
31167 man

$ ps -o pid,comm | body grep less
31032 less
31177 less
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