Solaris 10 – Is it possible to reboot a system from a startup script


I have a Solaris 10 test guest logical domain (LDom). I plan to have the network on this be reconfigured before rebooting using a startup script in /etc/rc0.d.

At the moment, when the system boots, everything in the startup script is run as I want it to be, except that the reboot does not occur.

I have created a test script, and stripped it of everything except the essentials:



case "$1" in
   if [ -f /etc/DR_Network_Configured ]; then
      exit 0
      touch /etc/DR_Network_Configured
   exit 0
   echo "Usage: $0 { start }"
   exit 1
exit 0

If I run the script from the command line, /etc/rc0.d/S99testing start, the file /etc/DR_Network_Configured is created and the system immediately reboots, i.e. the desired behaviour.

However, if I remove the file /etc/DR_Network_Configured, shut the system down, and boot it again, the file /etc/DR_Network_Configured gets recreated by the script during boot, but no subsequent reboot occurs.

Is there a fail-safe mechanism to stop startup scripts from potentially causing infinite reboots? If so, is there a way around this?

Best Answer

I have tested moving this script from /etc/rc0.d to /etc/rcS.d, /etc/rc1.d, /etc/rc2.d and /etc/rc3.d with the following results:

  • /etc/rcS.d - same behaviour as /etc/rc0.d - /etc/DR_Network_Configured is created, but no reboot occurs.
  • /etc/rc1.d - /etc/DR_Network_Configured is not created, and no reboot happens.
  • /etc/rc2.d - /etc/DR_Network_Configured is created and the system is rebooted.
  • /etc/rc3.d - /etc/DR_Network_Configured is created and the system is rebooted.

To summarise, when the system is booted to its default (milestone/multi-user-server:default, similar to run-level 3), it executes startup scripts located in /etc/rc0.d, /etc/rcS.d, /etc/rc2.d and /etc/rc3.d, but not /etc/rc1.d.

The reboot and init commands do not work when run from a startup script in /etc/rc0.d, /etc/rcS.d (and possibly /etc/rc1.d although I can't confirm this as the startup script in this directory never ran). They do work when run from startup scripts in /etc/rc2.d and /etc/rc3.d.

I imagine that this is designed to prevent a system from constantly rebooting. Should an erroneous startup script in /etc/rc2.d or /etc/rc3.d put the system into an infinite reboot loop, then the system can be fairly easily be rebooted to the single-user milestone and the offending startup script disabled rather than having to locate alternate boot media to boot off, mount the root volume/disk and disable the offending script.

Based on the above, I have modified my network reconfiguration script as follows:

  1. Kept my script in /etc/rc0.d to change the network settings.
  2. Added a function to it so that if the system needs to be rebooted after reconfiguring the network, a new script /etc/rc2.d/S99reboot is created which will reboot the system.
  3. If the /etc/DR_Network_Configured file exists, and /etc/rc2.d/S99reboot exists, then remove the latter to avoid the system constantly rebooting.

My relevant code is:


Create_Reboot_File ()
   echo "#!/sbin/sh" > $reboot_script
   echo "case \"\$1\" in" >> $reboot_script
   echo "start)" >> $reboot_script
   echo "  init 6" >> $reboot_script
   echo "  exit 0" >> $reboot_script
   echo "  ;;" >> $reboot_script
   echo "esac" >> $reboot_script
   echo "exit 0" >> $reboot_script
   chmod 740 $reboot_script
   chown root:root $reboot_file

case "$1" in
   if [ -f /etc/DR_Network_Configured ]; then
      [ -f $reboot_script ] && rm $reboot_script
      exit 0
      # My reconfigure network functions are here
      # ...
      touch /etc/DR_Network_Configured
   exit 0
   echo "Usage: $0 { start }"
   exit 1
exit 0
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