Software for very simple editing of advanced .psd files


I need a Linux application for very simple editing of advanced .psd files in Linux. Turning on and off layers would be enough. Unfortunately, GIMP has way too many problems with it. It is unable to display image with few more advanced layers correctly. It renders little different picture. Is there any other solutions other than Photoshop in Wine?

I'm fine with GIMP interface and I don't know Photoshop. However it looks I have to work with .psd files.

Best Answer

The GIMP is definitely the go-to image editor on Linux. It has the best psd support of any native editor or viewer. You say "it has too many problems" but you don't explain what any of those are. It is quite stable, actively keeps up with the latest developments in the OS and implements bug fixes in a timely manner. Since you seem willing to consider Photoshop and even things that run in Wine, complexity and size don't seem to be your concern.

Allow me to suggest that The GIMP can probably be customized for your purposes. The default interface can be configured to show very little besides the image window and one toolbar (say with just the pan and zoom tools) which can have the layers dbx attached for simple viewing operations.

The most likely thing that comes to mind is that you might consider a "problem" is how different it is from Photoshop. It does approach things from a little bit different angle. If these are your problem you could consider some of the config file / plugin combinations that make some of it's behavior more recognizable, although I actually suggest you will be better off in the long run learning a little bout how it works for it's own sake.

If you more explicitly state what problems you see in it, you might get help fixing those. This is likely to be less work, more stable, and better integrated with the rest of your Linux environment than a foreign piece of software under Wine.

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