Smooth scroll in Zathura


I am trying to enable the smooth scrolling feature in Zathura. I have the following line in my zathurarc: set smooth-scroll true, but the scrolling doesn't become smooth.

According to the documentation:


Defines if scrolling via touchpad should be smooth(only available with gtk >= 3.4).

I have gtk 3.22 installed (which is greater than 3.4, right?) as dpkg -s libgtk-3-0|grep '^Version' gives me Version: 3.22.4-1.

What do I need to do in order to enable smooth scroll? The "via touchpad" part is also suspicious, but I can't get it to work on either a touchpad, a scrollwheel or with the keyboard.

Another suspicious thing is that it does not autocomplete when I type :set sm which it does with other options.

Best Answer

I've just updated to the latest version (zathura 0.4.4, girara 0.3.3) and I'm now getting:

warning: Unknown option: smooth-scroll

this seems to be because of a change to girara that made smooth scrolling always be turned on

looks like we can just remove this line from our config files now!

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