Simple, user-friendly GUI file finder


  • simple, user-friendly = as Google search web page, one editbox, one button, nothing to explain, everybody grasps an idea in 1ms
  • fast = finding files and directories by filenames, not by content (!)
  • cute = it should be usable by weekend-users, so icons for files found, won't hurt

The closest project I found is Beagle (*), but it is dead now (it was canceled in 2009). It is said, Tracker is replacement of Beagle, but when I tried the GUI frontend… in short, disaster.

(*) but I am not sure if disabling in-file searching is possible.

I tried also Recoll, it is full-search program, the GUI has too many widgets, far for simplicity.

I can write such program on my own (Ligthppd+php script, that's all) but before I start, maybe you know about such tool ready to use?

Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

Catfish is a frontend for locate, among others. I think it satisfies all of your requirements, except for the ultra-simple part.