Silent booting Linux from u-boot


For security reasons I have to boot Linux from u-boot with all output hidden (silently) until a password is entered. I've configured uBoot to do this correctly using the CONFIG_AUTOBOOT_KEYED macro and can successfully boot silently.

The issue I am having is that when uBoot boots the Linux kernel and silent mode is enabled, it passes console= as part of the bootargs to Linux kernel. This is fine for silent booting, but I can't seem to find a way to re-enable the console again after bootup.

I've also tried to boot normally and append loglevel=0 to the kernal bootargs which works for silent bootup, but again I cannot re-enable the console. I've tried:

dmesg -n 4


klogd -c 4

to try to set the Kernel loglevel back to KERN_WARNING (4) without luck. These commands work properly when I boot the Kernel normally.

The best guide I've found on the matter is Silencing the boot process on

Ideally I'd like to use uBoot's silent mode where it passes console= as part of the bootargs but still take input on the console and re-enable output when the password is entered.

Best Answer

If anyone else runs into this issue I never found a good fix. I ended up hacking both u-boot and the linux kernel serial driver and basically checking if the password had been entered. If it had, I allowed the code to run normally. If it hadn't I just returned from the functions so that nothing was actually printed out on the console.

For Kernel I edited the receive_chars() function to look for the password (input) and transmit_chars() to mask output. I had u-boot pass the password in as part of the bootargs. If it was null, then the password was already entered and we ignored the special code. If it was a value, then we grabbed input chars via receive_chars() and compare them to the stored string from bootargs.

In u-boot I just used the CONFIG_AUTOBOOT_KEYED and associated default macros for the password entry. I then changed common/cmd_bootm.c to not call fixup_silent_linux() to mask the console= value and let the kernel deal with it as stated above.

Hopefully this helps someone else.

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