Show filename at begining of each line when tailing multiple files at once


when tailing multiple files at once as shown below, is any there any way to show the file name at the start of each line?

tail -f one.log two.log

current output

==> one.log <==
contents of one.log here...
contents of one.log here...

==> two.log <==
contents of one.log here...
contents of two.log here..

Looking for something like

one.log: contents of one.log here...
one.log: contents of one.log here...
two.log: contents of two.log here...
two.log: contents of two.log here...

Best Answer

tail  -f ...your-files | 
    awk '/^==> / {a=substr($0, 5, length-8); next}
                 {print a":"$0}'


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