X Displays – How to Show a Notification Across All Running X Displays

command lineconsolenotificationsttyxorg

Using the command line, I'd like show a notification on every running X display. ( and running console )

Something like:

notify-send-all 'Warning' 'Nuclear launch in 5 minutes, please evacuate'

Is there a program that will do this? If not, can this be implemented with bash?

Best Answer

You can send a message to all consoles with the command wall.

For sending notifications under X there is notify-send which sends a notification to the current user on the current display. (From your question, I guess you already know this one.) You can build upon this with some bash scripting. Basically you have to find out which users are on which X-Displays. Once you got this info you can use notify-send like this:

DISPLAY=:0 sudo -u fschmitt notify-send "Message"

Where fschmitt is the user at display 0. You can parse the output of the "who" command to find all users and their displays. The output looks like this

[edinburgh:~]$ who
markmerk3 tty7         2010-09-23 10:59 (:0)
markmerk3 pts/1        2010-09-30 13:30 (:0.0)
fschmitt pts/2        2010-10-08 11:44 (ip-77-25-137-234.web.vodafone.de)
markmerk3 pts/0        2010-09-29 18:51 (:0.0)
seamonkey pts/6        2010-09-27 15:50 (:1.0)
markmerk3 pts/5        2010-09-27 14:04 (:0.0)
seamonkey tty8         2010-09-27 15:49 (:1)
markmerk3 pts/13       2010-09-28 17:23 (:0.0)
markmerk3 pts/3        2010-10-05 10:40 (:0.0)

You see, there are two users running X sessions, markmerk3 at display 0 and seamonkey at display 1. I think you need to grep for tty[0-9]* then assure that at the end of the line there is (:[0-9.]*) to get rid of console logins and extract the display id from the string between the parentheses.

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