Python Shell – Write Python Stdout to File Immediately


When trying to write the stdout from a Python script to a text file (python > log), the text file is created when the command is started, but the actual content isn't written until the Python script finishes. For example:

import time
for i in range(10):

prints to stdout every 5 seconds when called with python, but when I call python > log, the size of the log file stays zero until the script finishes. Is it possible to directly write to the log file, such that you can follow the progress of the script (e.g. using tail)?

EDIT It turns out that python -u does the trick, I didn't know about the buffering of stdout.

Best Answer

This is happening because normally when process STDOUT is redirected to something other than a terminal, then the output is buffered into some OS-specific-sized buffer (perhaps 4k or 8k in many cases). Conversely, when outputting to a terminal, STDOUT will be line-buffered or not buffered at all, so you'll see output after each \n or for each character.

You can generally change the STDOUT buffering with the stdbuf utility:

stdbuf -oL python > log

Now if you tail -F log, you should see each line output immediately as it is generated.

Alternatively explicit flushing of the output stream after each print should achieve the same. It looks like sys.stdout.flush() should achieve this in Python. If you are using Python 3.3 or newer, the print function also has a flush keyword that does this: print('hello', flush=True).

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