Shell – Why does the “she-bang” begin with a “#!”


Why does the "she-bang" begin with a #!, like #!/bin/bash? I have always accepted that this how it is done, but is there a reason behind it?

Why start with #; isn't that usually a comment? Or is it the point that it should be comment?

Best Answer

Typically shebang refers to just the #! (! is typically called "bang", and it looks like "she" is a corruption of either "SHArp" or "haSH" for #) -- the whole line is called a shebang line

It does intentionally start with a comment character for backwards-compatibility with things that don't know how to handle it; the ! is presumably just to distinguish it from a random comment starting the file, so a file that begins with # this is my script! doesn't try to run the this is my script! interpreter

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