Linux – Difference Between realpath and readlink -f


I've read a lot about realpath command and how it has been deprecated with the readlink -f being now recommended. I have also seen in some places that the reason why realpath was introduced was for the lack of such functionality in readlink and that once it has been introduced, realpath was no longer needed and its support discontinued by most OS vendors.

The reason for my question is that I've also seen many people recommending readlink -f as a command "pretty much similar" to realpath, and that is what is bothering me, because no one elaborates on that "pretty much similar" part. What are the actual differences?

Best Answer

There are several realpath commands around.

The realpath utility is a wrapper around the realpath library functions and has been reinvented many times.

Debian used to maintain a realpath package (separated from dwww since woody) which hasn't changed except regarding packaging and documentation since 2001, but has now been phased out. This utility was deprecated because there are now more standard alternatives (GNU readlink and soon GNU realpath), but at the time, GNU utilities didn't even have readlink at all. This implementation of realpath supports a few options to prevent symbolic link resolution or produce null-terminated output. BusyBox also includes its own realpath command (which takes no option).

GNU coreutils introduced a realpath command in version 8.15 in January 2012. This is a compatible replacement for BusyBox's and Debian's realpath, and also has many options in common with GNU readlink.

realpath has the same effect as readlink -f with GNU readlink. What distinguishes the two commands (or rather the various realpath commands from readlink -f) is the extra options that they support.

GNU realpath is not deprecated; it has the opposite problem: it's too new to be available everywhere. Debian used to omit GNU realpath from its coreutils package and stick with its own realpath. I don't know why, since GNU realpath should be a drop-in replacement. As of Debian jessie and Ubuntu 16.04, however, GNU realpath is used.

On Linux systems, at the moment, your best bet to canonicalize a path that may contain symbolic links is readlink -f.

BSD systems have a readlink command, with different capabilities from GNU readlink. In particular, BSD readlink does not have an option to canonicalize paths, it only traverses the symlink passed to it.

readlink, incidentally, had the same problem — it was also invented many times (not adding this utility when symbolic links were added to Unix was a regrettable omission). It has now stabilized in several implementations with many incompatible flags (in particular BSD vs. GNU).

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