Shell – What does it mean to have a minus sign as the first character of a command in htop output


In htop, or other commands that show process status, all bash processes have in the command column


but one process has in the command column


What does it mean?

Best Answer

A minus sign before the command name is a convention that login programs use to start login shells. A login program is a program where you typically type your password and that starts a session for you, such as login, sudo -i, su -, sshd, etc. A login shell is the initial shell of a text mode session.

Conventionally, when a program invokes another program, it passes the program's name as argument 0; command line arguments are numbered starting from 1. For example, when you run cp foo bar, this executes the executable file located at /bin/cp (on typical systems), and passes cp as argument 0, foo as argument 1 and bar as argument 2. The normal convention is to use the base name of the executable as argument 0. When a login program invokes a shell, it violates this convention and puts an extra hyphen before the program name. Shells understand this alternate convention and set things up appropriately for a login shell, typically reading an initialization file such as ~/.profile, ~/.login, ~/.bash_profile, etc. depending on the shell.

See also Difference between Login Shell and Non-Login Shell?