sed – Characters to Escape When Using sed in a sh Script


Take the following script:

sed 's/(127\.0\.1\.1)\s/\1/' [some file]

If I try to run this in sh (dash here), it'll fail because of the parentheses, which need to be escaped. But I don't need to escape the backslashes themselves (between the octets, or in the \s or \1). What's the rule here? What about when I need to use {...} or [...]? Is there a list of what I do and don't need to escape?

Best Answer

There are two levels of interpretation here: the shell, and sed.

In the shell, everything between single quotes is interpreted literally, except for single quotes themselves. You can effectively have a single quote between single quotes by writing '\'' (close single quote, one literal single quote, open single quote).

Sed uses basic regular expressions. In a BRE, in order to have them treated literally, the characters $.*[\^ need to be quoted by preceding them by a backslash, except inside character sets ([…]). Letters, digits and (){}+?| must not be quoted (you can get away with quoting some of these in some implementations). The sequences \(, \), \n, and in some implementations \{, \}, \+, \?, \| and other backslash+alphanumerics have special meanings. You can get away with not quoting $^ in some positions in some implementations.

Furthermore, you need a backslash before / if it is to appear in the regex outside of bracket expressions. You can choose an alternative character as the delimiter by writing, e.g., s~/dir~/replacement~ or \~/dir~p; you'll need a backslash before the delimiter if you want to include it in the BRE. If you choose a character that has a special meaning in a BRE and you want to include it literally, you'll need three backslashes; I do not recommend this, as it may behave differently in some implementations.

In a nutshell, for sed 's/…/…/':

  • Write the regex between single quotes.
  • Use '\'' to end up with a single quote in the regex.
  • Put a backslash before $.*/[\]^ and only those characters (but not inside bracket expressions). (Technically you shouldn't put a backslash before ] but I don't know of an implementation that treats ] and \] differently outside of bracket expressions.)
  • Inside a bracket expression, for - to be treated literally, make sure it is first or last ([abc-] or [-abc], not [a-bc]).
  • Inside a bracket expression, for ^ to be treated literally, make sure it is not first (use [abc^], not [^abc]).
  • To include ] in the list of characters matched by a bracket expression, make it the first character (or first after ^ for a negated set): []abc] or [^]abc] (not [abc]] nor [abc\]]).

In the replacement text:

  • & and \ need to be quoted by preceding them by a backslash, as do the delimiter (usually /) and newlines.
  • \ followed by a digit has a special meaning. \ followed by a letter has a special meaning (special characters) in some implementations, and \ followed by some other character means \c or c depending on the implementation.
  • With single quotes around the argument (sed 's/…/…/'), use '\'' to put a single quote in the replacement text.

If the regex or replacement text comes from a shell variable, remember that

  • The regex is a BRE, not a literal string.
  • In the regex, a newline needs to be expressed as \n (which will never match unless you have other sed code adding newline characters to the pattern space). But note that it won't work inside bracket expressions with some sed implementations.
  • In the replacement text, &, \ and newlines need to be quoted.
  • The delimiter needs to be quoted (but not inside bracket expressions).
  • Use double quotes for interpolation: sed -e "s/$BRE/$REPL/".
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