Shell – untar a directory of *.tgz files using a wildcard


I've got a directory that looks like

$ ls
Broad_hapmap3_r2_Affy6_cels_excluded.tgz  DINGO.tgz                     GIGAS.tgz  index.html          IONIC.tgz             passing_cels_sample_map.txt  SCALE.tgz
CHEAP.tgz                                 EPODE.tgz                     HOMOS.tgz  index.html?C=M;O=A  LOVED.tgz             PICUL.tgz                    SHELF.tgz
CORER.tgz                                 excluded_cels_md5.txt         HUFFS.tgz  index.html?C=N;O=D  NIGHS.tgz             POSIT.tgz                    SLOTH.tgz
CUPID.tgz                                 excluded_cels_sample_map.txt  HUSKS.tgz  index.html?C=S;O=A  passing_cels_md5.txt  SAKES.tgz                    TESLA.tgz

I want to unzip all the files that match the extension *.tgz with a single command, except Broad_hapmap3_r2_Affy6_cels_excluded.tgz.

I can do

ls *.tgz | xargs -n1 tar zxvf

for all the *tgz files, but what's a good way to exclude a subset of them? From reading online maybe find is indicated in this situation, but it seems like overkill. Thank in advance.

Addendum: I'd also be interested in alternative methods to the question without excluding files.

Best Answer

You could always do:

ls *.tgz | grep -v Broad_hapmap3_r2_Affy6_cels_excluded.tgz | xargs -n1 tar zxvf

But I suspect somone will post a cleaner way do do this directly from the bash shell without needing a grep in there.

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