Shell – Unable to pass a bash variable as a python argument in bash

amazon s3pythonshell-script

For some reason I cannot pass the bash variable $FOLDER as a python argument on the following code. The python script downloads some files from amazon s3.

Bash script:

FOLDER=$(./aws get $BUCKET"/location.txt")
python /data/ $FOLDER

The output of the $FOLDER is a regenerated date eg. 2014/07/31/14-16-34 which is used as a path.

Here is the python script:


import boto, sys
from boto.s3.connection import S3Connection

access_key = 'accesskey'
secret_key = 'secretkey'
bucket_name = 'a name'
folder_path =  str(sys.argv[1]) if len(sys.argv) > 1 else ''

print("Forwarded folder path " + folder_path)

conn = S3Connection(access_key, secret_key)
bucket = conn.get_bucket(bucket_name)

print("Bucket Location:" + bucket.get_location())

for key in bucket.list(prefix=folder_path, delimiter=''):
        if '.' in
                file_name =[len(folder_path)+1:]
                print("Downloading file " + file_name)
                key.get_contents_to_filename('/data/temp/' + file_name)

When I execute the bash script without changing the python /data/ $FOLDER line, I get the following output:

Forwarded folder path 2014/07/31/14-16-34 
Buckect Location: 

But when I change it to python /data/ 2014/07/31/14-16-34 , everything works:

Forwarded folder path 2014/07/31/14-16-34
Bucket Location: 
Downloading 2014/07/31/14-16-34/ 
Downloading file
Downloading 2014/07/31/14-16-34/
Downloading file
Downloading 2014/07/31/14-16-34/
Downloading file

Best Answer

Perhaps the aws bash command is returning non-printable characters that you don't see with print(). Try removing them with tr:

FOLDER=$(./aws get $BUCKET"/location.txt" | tr -cd "[:print:]")
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