How to Turn Off Stdout Buffering in a Pipe


I have a script which calls two commands:

long_running_command | print_progress

The long_running_command prints progress but I'm unhappy with it. I'm using print_progress to make it nicer (namely, I print the progress in a single line).

The problem: Connection a pipe to stdout also activates a 4K buffer, so the nice print program gets nothing … nothing … nothing … a whole lot … 🙂

How can I disable the 4K buffer for the long_running_command (no, I do not have the source)?

Best Answer

You can use the unbuffer command (which comes as part of the expect package), e.g.

unbuffer long_running_command | print_progress

unbuffer connects to long_running_command via a pseudoterminal (pty), which makes the system treat it as an interactive process, therefore not using the 4-kiB buffering in the pipeline that is the likely cause of the delay.

For longer pipelines, you may have to unbuffer each command (except the final one), e.g.

unbuffer x | unbuffer -p y | z
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