Shell mv Command – Trouble with mv and Adding the Date

filenamesrenameshellvariable substitution

I want to be able to move $oldfile to my backup folder and add the date to the file name. So I tried this…

mv $oldfile /home/u0146121/backupfiles/$oldfile_$(date +%F-%T)

This just gives me this output filename. (no orignal filename)


Then I realized the potential problem for the above method. I have a while read loop that reads through a text file of path names for other files I wanted to compare. So for example, $oldfile is actually =

 $ cat oldfiles.txt

So… I want to be able to move the file2.txt and just keep the file2.txt name and add the date to it as well.

Best Answer

The shell sees the variable $oldfile_ which is undefined. You can fix that by using ${oldfile}_ instead.

But, do you really want to keep the paths to the old file? If not, use

mv $oldfile /home/u0146121/backupfiles/${oldfile##*/}_$(date +%F-%T)
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