SSH Command – Using Quotes in SSH Command


I have an odd error that I have been unable to find anything on this. I wanted to change the user comment with the following command.

$ sudo usermod -c "New Comment" user

This will work while logged onto a server but I want to automate it across 20+ servers. Usually I am able to use a list and loop through the servers and run a command but in this case I get a error.

$ for i in `cat servlist` ; do echo $i ; ssh $i sudo usermod -c "New Comment" user ; done 
Usage: usermod [options] LOGIN

lists usermod options

Usage: usermod [options] LOGIN

lists usermod options

When I run this loop it throws back an error like I am using the command incorrectly but it will run just fine on a single server.

Looking through the ssh man pages I did try -t and -t -t flags but those did not work.

I have successfully used perl -p -i -e within a similar loop to edit files.

Does anyone know a reason I am unable to loop this?

Best Answer

for i in `cat servlist`;do echo $i;ssh $i 'sudo usermod -c "New Comment" user';done


for i in `cat servlist`;do echo $i;ssh $i "sudo usermod -c \"New Comment\" user";done
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