Shell Script – Should Variables Be Quoted When Executed?


The general rule in shell scripting is that variables should always be quoted unless there is a compelling reason not to. For more details than you probably want to know, have a look at this great Q&A: Security implications of forgetting to quote a variable in bash/POSIX shells.

Consider, however, a function like the following:


Should $@ be quoted there or not? I played with it for a bit and couldn't find any case where the lack of quotes caused a problem. On the other hand, using the quotes makes it break when passing a command containing spaces as a quoted variable:

set -x
comm="ls -l"
run_this "$comm"
run_that "$comm"

Running the script above returns:

+ comm='ls -l'
+ run_this 'ls -l'
+ ls -l
total 8
-rw-r--r-- 1 terdon users  0 Dec 22 12:58 da
-rw-r--r-- 1 terdon users 45 Dec 22 13:33 file
-rw-r--r-- 1 terdon users 43 Dec 22 12:38 file~
+ run_that 'ls -l'
+ 'ls -l'
/home/terdon/scripts/ line 7: ls -l: command not found

I can get around that if I use run_that $comm instead of run_that "$comm", but since the run_this (unquoted) function works with both, it seems like the safer bet.

So, in the specific case of using $@ in a function whose job is to execute $@ as a command, should $@ be quoted? Please explain why it should/shouldn't be quoted and give an example of data that can break it.

Best Answer

The problem lies in how the command is passed to the function:

$ run_this ls -l Untitled\ Document.pdf 
ls: cannot access Untitled: No such file or directory
ls: cannot access Document.pdf: No such file or directory
$ run_that ls -l Untitled\ Document.pdf 
-rw------- 1 muru muru 33879 Dec 20 11:09 Untitled Document.pdf

"$@" should be used in the general case where your run_this function is prefixed to a normally written command. run_this leads to quoting hell:

$ run_this 'ls -l Untitled\ Document.pdf'
ls: cannot access Untitled\: No such file or directory
ls: cannot access Document.pdf: No such file or directory
$ run_this 'ls -l "Untitled\ Document.pdf"'
ls: cannot access "Untitled\: No such file or directory
ls: cannot access Document.pdf": No such file or directory
$ run_this 'ls -l Untitled Document.pdf'
ls: cannot access Untitled: No such file or directory
ls: cannot access Document.pdf: No such file or directory
$ run_this 'ls -l' 'Untitled Document.pdf'
ls: cannot access Untitled: No such file or directory
ls: cannot access Document.pdf: No such file or directory

I'm not sure how I should pass a filename with spaces to run_this.

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