Shell – “” is lacking for ranger file manager


Ranger is a file manager using Miller columns to navigate between the tree.

It has an external script called that previews files utilizing external applications such as the .torrent files with transmission-show.

I've installed all the dependencies, that is the external binaries for it to function, but the file manager, that's ranger doesn't preview those files.

I checked ~/.config/ranger/ contents, and it turns out the script ( is absent there.

I am on Fedora 25 and I have installed ranger normally through dnf install ranger -y.

Please help me with providing file.

As I think that's the reason why ranger doesn't preview those files.

Best Answer

For anyone else having the same problem/question, you can run ranger --copy-config=fileyouwant where fileyouwant = all (for all the config files), commands, rc, rifle, scope. That command should copy the default configuration file(s) of your choice to ~/.config/ranger/ . For more information look through the manpage (man ranger)

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