Shell – Running GUI Application as Another Non-Root User


Let's say I have 2 user accounts user1 and user2. When I login as user1, and then switch to user2 using su, I can execute command-line programs, but GUI programs fail.


user1@laptop:~$ su - user2
user2@laptop:~$ leafpad ~/somefile.txt
No protocol specified
leafpad: Cannot open display: 

So how can I run a GUI application?

Best Answer

su vs. su -

When becoming another user you generally want to use su - user2. The dash will force user2's .bash_profile to get sourced.


Additionally you'll need to grant users access to your display. This is governed by X. You can use the command xhost + to allow other users permission to display GUI's to user1's desktop.

NOTE: When running xhost + you'll want to run this while still in a shell that belongs to user1.


When you become user2 you may need to set the environment variable $DISPLAY.

$ export DISPLAY=:0.0
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