Shell – Running chsh does not change shell


I want to change my shell from bash to zsh.

I have tried running the following while logged in as user zol:

$ chsh -s /bin/zsh
$ sudo chsh -s /bin/zsh zol
$ su -c 'chsh -s /bin/zsh zol'
# The above all results with:
$ password:
$ chsh: Shell not changed.

# zsh exists in /etc/shells.. 
chsh -l

What could be wrong? How can I fix it?

Best Answer

User account modifications will not be saved if you have opened /etc/passwd (vim /etc/passwd) when you try to change the info.

Alternative: try with usermod (as zol):

$ usermod -s /bin/zsh 


$ sudo usermod -s /bin/zsh zol

If this doesn't work either, edit /etc/passwd by hand.

sudo vipw
# set zol's shell to /bin/zsh
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