Shell – run two commands in screen detached


I am trying to download a file with wget but in background and inside a screen that detaches …

My initial command was:

wget -O temp/; mv temp/ downloads/;

That would nicely move file once downloaded, preventing me from handling downloads/ files while they still download in background.

Now I need to run that in backgorund with screen, so I run and detach it:

screen -dm wget -O temp/;

But how can I still pass the move command and so that it runs when first one is completed ?

Edit: I tried quotes based on DopeGhoti's answer:

 screen -dm 'wget -O 1.bin; mv 1.bin 2.bin'
 cannot identify account 'wget http:'.

and this:

 screen 'wget -O 1.bin; mv 1.bin 2.bin'
 cannot exec 'wget http://mirror[...] no such file or directory

Edit: I tried with full /usr/bin/wget and /usr/bin/mv paths, it complains about missing session name, I gave it session name with -S foo, now it exits silently, no such screen to resume and no files downloaded:

screen -dm -S foo '/usr/bin/wget -O 1.bin; /usr/bin/mv 1.bin 2.bin'

Best Answer

It works if I specify bash -c

screen -dm bash -c 'command1; command2;'

User meuh provided this solution in comments, thanks.

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