Shell – run a script at shutdown in Debian


I am using Debian wheezy. My problem is, I am using a limited 2.5 GB net connection and would like to capture my usage before shutting down. My idea is simply running a script as:

date >> ~/mydatausage.txt
ifconfig -a >> ~/mydatausage.txt

at the time of shutdown.

How can I run this script at shutdown, as root?

Best Answer

According to the following instruction


you need to put the script in /etc/init.d/ and make a symbolic link in /etc/rc0.d/ this corresponds to the shutdown runlevel and if you want to execute the script when rebooting then make a symbolic link in rc6.d. If you list the folder rc0.d then you will see the script starts with S or K. S come from Start if you want to run script and K come from Kill if you want to stop script

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