Shell Script – Replace Environment Variables in a File with Actual Values

environment-variablesscriptingshell-scripttext processing

Is there an easy way to substitute/evaluate environment variables in a file? Like let's say I have a file config.xml that contains:


…etc. I want to replace $INSTANCE_ID in the file with the value of the INSTANCE_ID environment variable, $SERVICE_NAME with the value of the SERVICE_NAME env var. I won't know a priori which environment vars are needed (or rather, I don't want to have to update the script if someone adds a new environment variable to the config file). Thanks!

Best Answer

You could use envsubst (part of gnu gettext):

envsubst < infile

will replace the environment variables in your file with their corresponding value. The variable names must consist solely of alphanumeric or underscore ASCII characters, not start with a digit and be nonempty; otherwise such a variable reference is ignored.

To replace only certain environment variables, see this question.