Remove Lines with Field Value Less Than or Equal to 3 Using sed or awk


I need to remove every line that has a value of 2 or less in the 8th field (column).

My data looks like this:

12-31   Airport 189 379 41  49.70946503 -124.91377258   2   2880    30.8
01-01   AlberniElementary   165 331 16  49.26100922 -124.80662537   4   5760    26.1
01-09   BamfieldMarine  161 323 23  48.83490372 -125.13572693   2   2875    27.4
01-10   BamfieldMarine  161 323 23  48.83490372 -125.13572693   3   3068    38.6

I understand that using awk I can strip off the values desired and print them to another file, and I understand that sed would edit the current file. In either case, I need to retain the original file.

Please provide thorough explanations with your solutions. It is not suffice to just write the command, please annotate suggestions.

Further note: The data has a header line, so most likely solution will need to

awk 'FNR >1'

I suppose?

Best Answer

You almost got it.

 awk '(NR>1) && ($8 > 2 ) ' foo > bar


  • NR is number of record (that is number of line)
  • $8 is eight field
  • && is logical and
  • foo is the original file, unchanged
  • bar resulting file
  • implicit default action is to print the current input line

Note that header is striped from foo to bar, to keep it

 awk '(NR==1) || ($8 > 2 ) ' foo > bar


  • || is logical or
  • input line is printed if NR==1 or if $8 > 2

Update #1

To specify a range

  • ( ($8 >= -4) && ( $8 <= 4 ) ) 8th field from -4 to 4
  • (NR == 1 ) || ( ($8 >= -4) && ( $8 <= 4 ) ) same, including header
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