Shell Script – Redirecting Output Only on Successful Command Call


I want to redirect the output of a command (diff in this case) to a file but only if there is a difference in files I'm comparing. For example, imagine I have three files a, b, and c where a and b are equivalent but a and c are not.

If I do diff a c > output.txt or diff a b > output.txt, regardless of whether there is a difference or not, output.txt will be created. I only want output.txt to be created if there is a diff (i.e, diff returns 1).

I'd want to do something like:

if ! diff a c > /dev/null; then
    diff a c > output.txt

But without running the command twice. I could save the contents of the command like so:

res=$(diff a c)
if [ $? != 0 ]; then
    echo "$res" > output.txt

But then I'm bringing echo into this as a "middle-man", which could potentially raise some issues. How can I redirect output/create a file only if there's output without duplicating code?

Best Answer

You could call the command once, redirect the output, then remove the output if there were no differences:

diff a c > output.txt && rm output.txt