Shell – Random colors and jokes in the shell/terminal


I saw a person that while using their terminal, it output a joke and changed the colors and laughed at the user. It said something along the lines of leaking colors into the console since (year). I don't remember what it was, but I'd like to use it because the Kubuntu Konsole gets very boring after long hours of use, and I'd like to liven things up a bit. Any ideas on what it is/where I can get it?

What I'm looking for is something that does it automatically — without specific input from the user to run a script or command (or even a command run at startup). The thing I'm looking for changed the color themes of the shell at random intervals and joked about the color change. Perhaps it was just a different terminal program (I don't know if that is the right term) than Konsole that is built into Kubuntu.

Best Answer

Running a ruby script on every login doesn't sound like my idea of a good time.
But if it's colours you want you won't be disappointed by lolcat

DISCLAIMER: I have since set this up on my SSH banners throughout my home cluster :)
Looks great with some text piped in from figlet


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