Shell Scripting – How to Avoid Tempfiles in Shell Programming


I often write KSH shell scripts that follow the same pattern:

  • (1) retrieve output from one or more command
  • (2) format it using grep|cut|awk|sed and print it to the screen or to a file

In order to do that, I often store the output of (1) in a tempfile, and then do the formatting in (2) on that file.

Take that code for instance:


# If tmpfile exists rm it.
[ -f $TMPFILE ] && rm -f $TMPFILE

for SERVICE in $(myfunc); do
    getInfo $SERVICE > $TMPFILE # Store raw output in the TMPFILE

    # I retrieve the relevant data from the TMPFILE
    SERV_NAME=$(head -1 $TMPFILE | sed -e 's/ $//')
    SERV_HOSTNAME=$(grep HOSTNAME $TMPFILE | cut -d "=" -f2)
    SERV_ARGS=$(grep Arguments $TMPFILE | cut -d ":" -f2)

    rm -f $TMPFILE #rm the TMPFILE in vue of next iteration

Is there a way, using pipes, redirections and whatnots, to avoid writing a file to disk each time?

If it helps, I'm using ksh Version M-11/16/88i

Best Answer

Your code looks like an entirely justified example of using tempfiles to me. I'd stay: stick with this approach. The only thing that really needs to be changed is the way you create the tempfile. Use something like




or at least


This way you won't let the name be easily predicted (security) and out rule interference between several instances of the script running at the same time.

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