Shell program to display text files with a column ruler


I'm looking for a shell utility or program which will allow me to interactively view a text file as I can with the built in less command and also display a fixed ruler at the top of the screen so that I can see the exact column offset at all times for each character.

This functionality is built into some DOS utilities, such as the ancient and 4Dos. Here is a screenshot from the the list command which shows what I'm looking for:

enter image description here

I've searched but have not been able to find any solution for this in a unix based shell. Anyone know a way to do this?

Best Answer

Conventional shells won't do this. Occasionally someone mentions a visual shell, but (a) a quick check finds none mentioning the feature and (b) those are not used a lot.

Text editors may have the feature (but that's not what you are asking for).

A terminal application such as screen or tmux would be a suitable place to add this feature (but neither does this).

For what it's worth, I do this in an application not a text editor, ded (directory editor), and find it useful for viewing files:

screenshot from ded

(the ruler can be moved up/down, interactively).

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