Shell Script – Piping Data to a Process’s stdin Without Causing EOF


I have an executable that starts a user-interactive shell. I would like to, upon launch of the shell, inject a few commands first, then allow the user to have their interactive session. I can do this easily using echo:

echo "command 1\ncommand 2\ncommand3" | ./shell_executable

This almost works. The problem is that the echo command that is feeding the process's stdin hits EOF once it's done echoing my commands. This EOF causes the shell to terminate immediately (as if you'd pressed Ctrl+D in the shell).

Is there a way to inject these commands into stdin without causing an EOF afterwards?

Best Answer

Found this clever answer in a similar question at stackoverflow

(echo -e "cmd 1\ncmd 2" && cat) | ./shell_executable

This does the trick. cat will pump in the output of echo into input stream of shell_executable and wait for more inputs until EOF.

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