Shell – Passing print pattern as a variable to awk


I am trying to use awk to print variables from various columns in a line delimited by , .The columns and pattern which I want to print is stored in another variable b.
The pattern a and print patter b are given below:


I am trying to get the output as below.


I am trying to pass the pattern b to awk using -v switch but not sure how to use that with print inside awk. Tried below commands but this is not the output I was trying to get to.

echo $a |awk -v ba="${b}" -F"," '{print ba}'

echo $a |awk -v ba="${b}" -F"," '{print $ba}'

Best Answer

You don't need to use variable ba, try:

$ echo $a | awk -F',' '{print '"$b"'}'

With this, $b is expanded by the shell, not by awk. And the rest of awk statement is not affect, because they're enclosed in single quote.

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